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Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Discover the top 10 circular economy startups in India revolutionizing sustainability. Learn how these innovative companies are reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency in various industries.

The concept of a circular economy is gaining traction worldwide as businesses and communities strive to reduce waste and make the most of their resources. In India, several innovative startups are leading the charge by developing solutions that promote sustainability and efficiency. Here, we highlight the top 10 circular economy startups in India that are making a significant impact.

1. Bare Necessities

Bare Necessities is dedicated to reducing plastic waste through its range of zero-waste personal care and lifestyle products. Founded in 2015 by Sahar Mansoor, the company promotes sustainable living by offering biodegradable and reusable alternatives to everyday essentials.

FounderSahar Mansoor
Core ProductsZero-waste personal care, cleaning supplies, lifestyle goods
MissionTo eliminate plastic waste and promote sustainable living
Bare Necessities– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Bare Necessities is a zero-waste personal and lifestyle brand based in Bangalore. The company offers a range of eco-friendly products, including personal care items, cleaning supplies, and lifestyle goods, all made from natural, biodegradable, and reusable materials. Their mission is to eliminate plastic waste and promote sustainable living practices.

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2. Attero Recycling

Attero Recycling specializes in electronic waste recycling and material extraction. Founded in 2008 by Nitin Gupta, the company aims to responsibly manage e-waste, conserve natural resources, and promote a circular economy by extracting valuable materials from discarded electronics.

FounderNitin Gupta
Core ServicesElectronic waste recycling, material extraction
MissionTo responsibly recycle e-waste and conserve natural resources
Attero Recycling– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Attero Recycling is India’s largest electronic waste recycling company. Founded in 2008, the company uses advanced technology to extract valuable materials from electronic waste, such as precious metals and rare earth elements. Attero’s innovative recycling process ensures that e-waste is handled responsibly, reducing environmental impact and conserving natural resources.

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3. Paperman

Paperman facilitates waste collection and recycling services in urban areas, founded in 2010 by Mathew Jose. The startup improves waste management efficiency by connecting waste collectors with businesses and individuals, promoting recycling and reducing landfill waste.

FounderMathew Jose
Core ServicesWaste collection, recycling facilitation
MissionTo improve waste management efficiency and promote recycling
Paperman– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Paperman is a social enterprise that connects waste collectors with individuals and businesses to facilitate the recycling of paper and other materials. By using technology to streamline waste collection and recycling processes, Paperman aims to improve waste management efficiency and promote recycling as a mainstream practice in urban areas.

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4. GEM Enviro Management

GEM Enviro Management focuses on plastic waste management and recycling systems. Established in 2013 by Sachin Sharma and Sumit Goyal, the startup promotes the use of recycled plastics, contributing to waste reduction and environmental sustainability.

FoundersSachin Sharma, Sumit Goyal
Core ServicesPlastic waste management, recycling systems
MissionTo promote the use of recycled plastics and reduce plastic waste
GEM Enviro Management– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

GEM Enviro Management focuses on plastic waste management by setting up recycling systems and promoting the use of recycled plastics. The company collaborates with corporations, municipalities, and communities to collect, segregate, and recycle plastic waste, turning it into valuable resources like recycled PET bottles and granules.

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5. EnviGreen

EnviGreen produces biodegradable bags and packaging materials as eco-friendly alternatives to plastic. Founded in 2016 by Ashwath Hegde, the startup aims to reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainable packaging solutions across various industries.

FounderAshwath Hegde
Core ProductsBiodegradable bags and packaging materials
MissionTo reduce plastic pollution with eco-friendly alternatives
EnviGreen– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

EnviGreen produces 100% biodegradable and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional plastic products. Their products, including bags, packaging materials, and disposable items, are made from natural starch, vegetable oil derivatives, and other organic materials. EnviGreen’s innovative solutions help reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainable consumption.

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6. Ecozen Solutions

Ecozen Solutions provides sustainable energy solutions for agriculture, including solar-powered cold storage units and water pumps. Founded in 2010 by Vivek Pandey, Devendra Gupta, and Prateek Singhal, the startup helps farmers reduce post-harvest losses and improve energy efficiency.

FoundersVivek Pandey, Devendra Gupta, Prateek Singhal
Core ProductsSolar-powered cold storage, water pumps
MissionTo promote sustainable energy solutions for agriculture
Ecozen Solutions– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Ecozen Solutions specializes in providing sustainable energy solutions for the agricultural sector. Their flagship products include solar-powered cold storage units and water pumps, which help farmers reduce post-harvest losses and improve water usage efficiency. By promoting the use of renewable energy, Ecozen contributes to a more sustainable agricultural ecosystem.

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7. Karma Recycling

Karma Recycling focuses on re-commerce and refurbishment of electronic devices. Founded in 2013 by Sidhaant Sikka and Uday Khaneja, the startup extends the lifecycle of electronics, reduces e-waste, and offers affordable refurbished products to consumers.

FoundersSidhaant Sikka, Uday Khaneja
Core ServicesElectronics re-commerce, refurbishment
MissionTo reduce e-waste by extending the lifecycle of electronics
Karma Recycling– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Karma Recycling is a leader in the re-commerce and refurbishment of electronic devices. The company buys used electronics, refurbishes them, and sells them back to consumers at affordable prices. By extending the life cycle of electronic products, Karma Recycling reduces e-waste and promotes a circular economy model in the electronics industry.

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8. ReMaterials

ReMaterials develops sustainable building materials, such as ModRoof, using waste cardboard and coconut husk. Founded in 2013 by Lucas Joppa and Sidharth Jajoo, the startup provides affordable and eco-friendly roofing solutions, addressing housing and environmental challenges.

FoundersLucas Joppa, Sidharth Jajoo
Core ProductsModRoof (sustainable roofing materials)
MissionTo provide affordable, sustainable housing solutions
ReMaterials– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

ReMaterials focuses on providing affordable and sustainable building materials for low-income housing. Their flagship product, ModRoof, is made from waste cardboard and coconut husk, providing a durable, weather-resistant, and thermally insulating roofing solution. ReMaterials aims to address housing issues while promoting the use of recycled materials.

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9. Saahas Zero Waste

Saahas Zero Waste offers end-to-end waste management and recycling services. Founded in 2013 by Wilma Rodrigues, the startup works with businesses and communities to implement effective waste segregation, collection, and recycling practices, promoting a zero-waste lifestyle.

FounderWilma Rodrigues
Core ServicesWaste management, recycling, sustainability consultancy
MissionTo implement effective waste management and promote recycling
Saahas Zero Waste– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Saahas Zero Waste is a social enterprise that offers end-to-end waste management services. The company works with businesses, communities, and institutions to implement effective waste segregation, collection, and recycling processes. Saahas Zero Waste also runs awareness campaigns to educate the public about the importance of waste reduction and recycling.

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10. GreenSole

GreenSole upcycles discarded shoes into footwear for underprivileged communities. Established in 2013 by Shriyans Bhandari and Ramesh Dhami, the startup not only reduces landfill waste but also provides footwear to those in need, combining social impact with environmental sustainability.

FoundersShriyans Bhandari, Ramesh Dhami
Core ProductsUpcycled footwear
MissionTo reduce landfill waste and provide footwear to those in need
GreenSole– Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

GreenSole is a unique startup that upcycles discarded shoes into comfortable footwear. The company collects used shoes, refurbishes them, and distributes them to underprivileged communities. By giving new life to old shoes, GreenSole reduces landfill waste and provides footwear to those in need, promoting both environmental and social sustainability.

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FAQs on Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

1. What is a circular economy?

A circular economy is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. It emphasizes reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products to create a closed-loop system, minimizing the use of resource inputs and reducing waste, pollution, and carbon emissions.

2. Why is the circular economy important for India?

The circular economy is crucial for India due to its large population, rapid urbanization, and growing industrialization, which have led to increased waste and resource consumption. By adopting circular economy principles, India can reduce environmental impact, conserve natural resources, and create sustainable economic growth and job opportunities.

3. How do circular economy startups contribute to sustainability?

Circular economy startups contribute to sustainability by developing innovative solutions that promote the efficient use of resources, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impact. These startups focus on recycling, upcycling, renewable energy, sustainable products, and waste management practices that support a more sustainable and resilient economy.

4. What types of products and services do circular economy startups in India offer?

Circular economy startups in India offer a wide range of products and services, including:

  • Eco-friendly personal care and lifestyle products
  • Electronic waste recycling and refurbishment
  • Waste collection and recycling services
  • Biodegradable and sustainable packaging materials
  • Solar-powered agricultural equipment
  • Upcycled footwear and fashion items
  • Affordable, sustainable building materials

5. How can consumers support circular economy startups?

Consumers can support circular economy startups by:

  • Purchasing products and services from these startups
  • Practicing sustainable consumption habits, such as reducing, reusing, and recycling
  • Spreading awareness about the benefits of the circular economy
  • Participating in recycling programs and initiatives
  • Choosing eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives over conventional products

6. What are some challenges faced by circular economy startups in India?

Circular economy startups in India face several challenges, including:

  • Limited access to funding and investment
  • Lack of awareness and education about the circular economy among consumers and businesses
  • Inadequate infrastructure for waste collection and recycling
  • Regulatory and policy barriers
  • Competition with conventional, less sustainable products and practices

7. How do circular economy startups impact local communities?

Circular economy startups positively impact local communities by:

  • Creating job opportunities and promoting local entrepreneurship
  • Reducing waste and environmental pollution, leading to cleaner and healthier surroundings
  • Providing affordable and sustainable products and services
  • Educating and empowering communities to adopt sustainable practices

8. Can large corporations collaborate with circular economy startups?

Yes, large corporations can collaborate with circular economy startups by:

  • Investing in or partnering with these startups to scale their solutions
  • Implementing sustainable practices and circular economy principles within their operations
  • Supporting research and development of new technologies and innovations
  • Participating in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that promote sustainability

9. What is the future of circular economy startups in India?

The future of circular economy startups in India is promising as awareness about sustainability and environmental impact continues to grow. With increased support from consumers, businesses, and the government, these startups are expected to play a vital role in transitioning India towards a more sustainable and resilient economy.

10. How can government policies support circular economy startups?

Government policies can support circular economy startups by:

  • Providing funding and incentives for sustainable businesses
  • Implementing regulations that promote waste reduction, recycling, and resource efficiency
  • Facilitating public-private partnerships to develop sustainable infrastructure
  • Offering educational programs and resources to raise awareness about the circular economy
  • Encouraging innovation and research in sustainable technologies and practices


The rise of circular economy startups in India is a testament to the country’s growing commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency. These innovative companies are not only addressing environmental challenges but also creating economic opportunities and improving the quality of life for many. As the circular economy movement continues to gain momentum, these startups will play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable and resilient future for India.

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Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in india

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