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Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Discover India’s top 10 social impact startups making a difference in education, healthcare, sustainability, and more. Learn about innovative ventures driving positive change across the country.

India, known for its entrepreneurial spirit and diverse societal challenges, has seen a surge in startups aiming not just for profit, but also for social impact. These innovative ventures are tackling issues ranging from healthcare accessibility to environmental sustainability and education reform. Here’s a look at the top 10 social impact startups making waves in India:

1. Zipline India

Zipline India uses drone technology to deliver essential medical supplies like blood and vaccines to remote areas in India. They have revolutionized healthcare logistics, ensuring timely and reliable delivery to improve emergency response and healthcare accessibility in rural regions.

Startup NameZipline India
IndustryHealthcare Logistics
MissionDelivering essential medical supplies via drone technology to remote areas
Impact AreaHealthcare accessibility
Key AchievementsSwift delivery of blood and vaccines, improving emergency response in rural India
Zipline India– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Zipline India leverages drone technology to deliver essential medical supplies like blood and vaccines to remote areas swiftly. Their efficient logistics network has significantly improved healthcare accessibility in rural India.

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2. Akshaya Patra Foundation

Akshaya Patra Foundation aims to eliminate classroom hunger by providing nutritious meals to school children across India. Their scalable meal program not only improves attendance and learning outcomes but also addresses the nutritional needs of millions of children daily.

Startup NameAkshaya Patra Foundation
IndustryEducation, Food & Nutrition
MissionEliminating classroom hunger by providing nutritious meals to school children
Impact AreaEducation, Child Development
Key AchievementsFeeding millions of children daily, improving school attendance and learning outcomes
Akshaya Patra Foundation– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Founded with the mission to eliminate classroom hunger, Akshaya Patra provides nutritious meals to school children across India. Their scalable model ensures that children receive daily meals, which in turn improves attendance and learning outcomes.

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3. Bempu Health

Bempu Health develops innovative medical devices, such as neonatal temperature monitoring bracelets, to reduce infant mortality rates in India. Their affordable and effective solutions have saved thousands of newborn lives by detecting hypothermia early.

Startup NameBempu Health
IndustryHealthcare Technology
MissionReducing infant mortality rates with innovative medical devices
Impact AreaInfant health, Healthcare access
Key AchievementsNeonatal temperature monitoring bracelets saving newborn lives, affordability and accessibility
Bempu Health– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Bempu Health develops innovative medical devices, such as a neonatal temperature monitor bracelet, to combat infant mortality rates in India. Their products are affordable and have helped save thousands of newborn lives.

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4. Goonj

Goonj focuses on social development by upcycling urban material into essential products like clothing and menstrual hygiene kits for rural communities in India. They promote dignity and sustainability while addressing critical needs in underserved areas.

Startup NameGoonj
IndustrySocial Development, Clothing & Sanitation
MissionUpcycling urban material to provide clothing and menstrual hygiene products to rural communities
Impact AreaCommunity development, Dignity
Key AchievementsEmpowering women through sustainable initiatives, promoting reuse and community solidarity
Goonj– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Goonj addresses the issue of clothing and menstrual hygiene by collecting and redistributing unused urban material to rural communities. They empower women through their “Not Just a Piece of Cloth” initiative, promoting dignity and sustainability.

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5. Rang De

Rang De operates a social lending platform that connects low-income borrowers with individuals willing to fund their needs. By providing affordable microcredit, they empower marginalized communities to start businesses and improve their livelihoods

Startup NameRang De
IndustryFinancial Inclusion
MissionProviding affordable microcredit to low-income borrowers
Impact AreaEconomic empowerment, Entrepreneurship
Key AchievementsFacilitating loans for marginalized communities, fostering sustainable livelihoods
Rang De– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Rang De is a pioneering social lending platform that connects low-income borrowers with individuals who can fund their needs. They provide affordable microcredit to marginalized communities, fostering entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.

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6. Greensole

Greensole upcycles discarded shoes into comfortable footwear for underprivileged children. Through their initiative, they not only provide footwear but also promote health and environmental sustainability by reusing materials and reducing waste.

Startup NameGreensole
IndustrySustainability, Footwear
MissionUpcycling discarded shoes into footwear for underprivileged children
Impact AreaHealth, Sustainability
Key AchievementsDistributing thousands of shoes, promoting health and environmental consciousness
Greensole– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Greensole upcycles discarded shoes into comfortable footwear for underprivileged children. By combining social impact with environmental sustainability, they have distributed thousands of pairs across India, promoting health and dignity.

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7. Selco India

Selco India provides solar energy solutions to underserved communities in India, enabling access to clean and reliable electricity. Their initiatives empower rural households, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and promote sustainable development.

Startup NameSelco India
IndustryRenewable Energy
MissionProviding solar energy solutions to underserved communities
Impact AreaEnergy access, Sustainable development
Key AchievementsElectrifying rural villages, reducing carbon footprint, empowering communities
Selco India– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Selco India focuses on providing solar energy solutions to underserved communities, enabling access to clean and reliable electricity. Their efforts have transformed lives by improving livelihoods and reducing dependency on fossil fuels.

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8. Ecozen Solutions

Ecozen Solutions develops solar-powered cold storage solutions for farmers in India, helping to reduce post-harvest losses and improve income opportunities. Their technology enhances agricultural productivity while promoting environmental sustainability.

Startup NameEcozen Solutions
IndustryAgriculture, Technology
MissionDeveloping solar-powered cold storage solutions for farmers
Impact AreaAgriculture, Food Security
Key AchievementsReducing post-harvest losses, enhancing agricultural productivity sustainably
Ecozen Solutions– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Ecozen Solutions develops innovative solar-powered cold storage solutions for farmers, reducing post-harvest losses and improving income opportunities. Their technology has been instrumental in enhancing agricultural productivity sustainably.

Also Read: Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

9. Skillveri

Skillveri bridges the skill gap in industrial training through simulation-based vocational education. Their affordable simulators enable individuals to gain practical skills, enhancing their employability and contributing to economic growth.

Startup NameSkillveri
IndustryEducation, Training
MissionBridging the skill gap with simulation-based vocational training
Impact AreaSkill development, Employment
Key AchievementsTraining thousands with affordable simulators, improving employability
Skillveri– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Skillveri addresses the skill gap in industrial training by developing affordable simulators that enhance vocational education. Their simulation-based learning platforms have empowered thousands of individuals to gain employable skills.

Also Read: Top 10 Sustainable Startups in India

10. Barefoot College

Barefoot College trains rural women as solar engineers, empowering them to bring sustainable energy solutions to their communities. Through their grassroots approach, they promote gender equality, community development, and environmental stewardship.

Startup NameBarefoot College
IndustryEnergy, Education
MissionTraining rural women as solar engineers for sustainable energy solutions
Impact AreaGender equality, Community development
Key AchievementsElectrifying villages through women empowerment, promoting sustainable development
Barefoot College– Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Barefoot College empowers rural communities by training women as solar engineers, enabling them to electrify their villages independently. This grassroots approach has not only provided sustainable energy solutions but also promoted gender equality and community development.

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FAQs about Social Impact Startups in India

Q1: What is a social impact startup?
A social impact startup is a business venture that aims to address a social or environmental issue while operating with a sustainable business model. These startups prioritize creating positive change and often measure success beyond financial profitability.

Q2: Why are social impact startups important in India?
Social impact startups play a crucial role in India by addressing pressing social issues such as healthcare accessibility, education quality, environmental sustainability, and poverty alleviation. They bring innovative solutions that traditional methods may overlook, benefiting marginalized communities and driving inclusive growth.

Q3: How do social impact startups measure their impact?
Social impact startups measure their impact through various metrics such as the number of beneficiaries served, improvements in quality of life indicators (health, education, income), environmental conservation outcomes, and societal behavior change. Impact assessment frameworks help quantify and communicate their contributions effectively.

Q4: What are some challenges faced by social impact startups in India?
Challenges faced by social impact startups in India include funding constraints, scalability issues, regulatory hurdles, changing policy landscapes, and the need for skilled human resources. Additionally, building trust and credibility among stakeholders and achieving long-term sustainability are ongoing challenges.

Q5: How can individuals support social impact startups in India?
Individuals can support social impact startups in India by becoming customers, donors, investors, or volunteers. They can spread awareness about these startups’ missions and impact, participate in crowdfunding campaigns, provide mentorship or expertise, and advocate for supportive policies.

Q6: How can social impact startups ensure sustainability and long-term impact?
Social impact startups can ensure sustainability and long-term impact by prioritizing financial viability alongside their social mission. Building strong partnerships, leveraging technology for efficiency, fostering a culture of innovation and learning, and adapting to evolving societal needs are key strategies.

Q7: What role do technology and innovation play in social impact startups?
Technology and innovation are integral to the success of social impact startups in India. They enable startups to scale their solutions, reach underserved populations, reduce costs, improve service delivery, and measure impact effectively. Examples include using mobile apps for healthcare delivery, AI for education solutions, and renewable energy technologies for environmental sustainability.

Q8: How are social impact startups contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs) in India?
Social impact startups contribute to SDGs in India by directly addressing goals such as good health and well-being, quality education, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, and sustainable cities and communities. Their innovative solutions align with these global development priorities.

Q9: What are some notable success stories of social impact startups in India?
Examples of notable success stories include startups like Zipline India, which has revolutionized healthcare logistics with drone technology, and Akshaya Patra Foundation, which has scaled its school meal program to feed millions of children daily. Each startup has demonstrated measurable impact and sustainability in their respective fields.

Q10: How can aspiring entrepreneurs start their own social impact startup in India?
Aspiring entrepreneurs can start their own social impact startup in India by identifying a pressing social or environmental issue, conducting thorough research, developing a viable business model that integrates impact measurement, securing initial funding through grants, investors, or crowdfunding, building partnerships with relevant stakeholders, and leveraging technology for scalability and efficiency.


These startups exemplify the transformative power of entrepreneurship combined with social responsibility. They are not only addressing critical societal issues but also pioneering scalable solutions that have the potential to create lasting impact across India and beyond.

Whether through technology, sustainable practices, or community empowerment, these top 10 social impact startups are leading the way towards a more inclusive and prosperous future for India’s diverse population. Their stories inspire hope and demonstrate the immense possibilities when business acumen meets social consciousness.

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